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WE stayed two days at Streatley, and got our clothes washed.  We had

tried washing them ourselves, in the river, under George's

superintendence, and it had been a failure.  Indeed, it had been more

than a failure, because we were worse off after we had washed our clothes

than we were before.  Before we had washed them, they had been very, very

dirty, it is true; but they were just wearable.  AFTER we had washed them

- well, the river between Reading and Henley was much cleaner, after we

had washed our clothes in it, than it was before.  All the dirt contained

in the river between Reading and Henley, we collected, during that wash,

and worked it into our clothes.


The washerwoman at Streatley said she felt she owed it to herself to

charge us just three times the usual prices for that wash.  She said it

had not been like washing, it had been more in the nature of excavating.


We paid the bill without a murmur.


The neighbourhood of Streatley and Goring is a great fishing centre. 

There is some excellent fishing to be had here.  The river abounds in

pike, roach, dace, gudgeon, and eels, just here; and you can sit and fish

for them all day.


Some people do.  They never catch them.  I never knew anybody catch

anything, up the Thames, except minnows and dead cats, but that has

nothing to do, of course, with fishing!  The local fisherman's guide

doesn't say a word about catching anything.  All it says is the place is

"a good station for fishing;" and, from what I have seen of the district,

I am quite prepared to bear out this statement.


There is no spot in the world where you can get more fishing, or where

you can fish for a longer period.  Some fishermen come here and fish for

a day, and others stop and fish for a month.  You can hang on and fish

for a year, if you want to: it will be all the same.


The ANGLER'S GUIDE TO THE THAMES says that "jack and perch are also to be

had about here," but there the ANGLER'S GUIDE is wrong.  Jack and perch

may BE about there.  Indeed, I know for a fact that they are.  You can

SEE them there in shoals, when you are out for a walk along the banks:

they come and stand half out of the water with their mouths open for

biscuits.  And, if you go for a bathe, they crowd round, and get in your

way, and irritate you.  But they are not to be "had" by a bit of worm on

the end of a hook, nor anything like it - not they!


I am not a good fisherman myself.  I devoted a considerable amount of

attention to the subject at one time, and was getting on, as I thought,

fairly well; but the old hands told me that I should never be any real

good at it, and advised me to give it up.  They said that I was an

extremely neat thrower, and that I seemed to have plenty of gumption for

the thing, and quite enough constitutional laziness.  But they were sure

I should never make anything of a fisherman.  I had not got sufficient



They said that as a poet, or a shilling shocker, or a reporter, or

anything of that kind, I might be satisfactory, but that, to gain any

position as a Thames angler, would require more play of fancy, more power

of invention than I appeared to possess.


Some people are under the impression that all that is required to make a

good fisherman is the ability to tell lies easily and without blushing;

but this is a mistake.  Mere bald fabrication is useless; the veriest

tyro can manage that.  It is in the circumstantial detail, the

embellishing touches of probability, the general air of scrupulous -

almost of pedantic - veracity, that the experienced angler is seen.


Anybody can come in and say, "Oh, I caught fifteen dozen perch yesterday

evening;" or "Last Monday I landed a gudgeon, weighing eighteen pounds,

and measuring three feet from the tip to the tail."


There is no art, no skill, required for that sort of thing.  It shows

pluck, but that is all.


No; your accomplished angler would scorn to tell a lie, that way.  His

method is a study in itself.


He comes in quietly with his hat on, appropriates the most comfortable

chair, lights his pipe, and commences to puff in silence.  He lets the

youngsters brag away for a while, and then, during a momentary lull, he

removes the pipe from his mouth, and remarks, as he knocks the ashes out

against the bars:


"Well, I had a haul on Tuesday evening that it's not much good my telling

anybody about."


"Oh! why's that?" they ask.


"Because I don't expect anybody would believe me if I did," replies the

old fellow calmly, and without even a tinge of bitterness in his tone, as

he refills his pipe, and requests the landlord to bring him three of

Scotch, cold.


There is a pause after this, nobody feeling sufficiently sure of himself

to contradict the old gentleman.  So he has to go on by himself without

any encouragement.


"No," he continues thoughtfully; "I shouldn't believe it myself if

anybody told it to me, but it's a fact, for all that.  I had been sitting

there all the afternoon and had caught literally nothing - except a few

dozen dace and a score of jack; and I was just about giving it up as a

bad job when I suddenly felt a rather smart pull at the line.  I thought

it was another little one, and I went to jerk it up.  Hang me, if I could

move the rod!  It took me half-an-hour - half-an-hour, sir! - to land

that fish; and every moment I thought the line was going to snap!  I

reached him at last, and what do you think it was?  A sturgeon! a forty

pound sturgeon! taken on a line, sir!  Yes, you may well look surprised -

I'll have another three of Scotch, landlord, please."


And then he goes on to tell of the astonishment of everybody who saw it;

and what his wife said, when he got home, and of what Joe Buggles thought

about it.


I asked the landlord of an inn up the river once, if it did not injure

him, sometimes, listening to the tales that the fishermen about there

told him; and he said:


"Oh, no; not now, sir.  It did used to knock me over a bit at first, but,

lor love you! me and the missus we listens to `em all day now.  It's what

you're used to, you know.  It's what you're used to."


I knew a young man once, he was a most conscientious fellow, and, when he

took to fly-fishing, he determined never to exaggerate his hauls by more

than twenty-five per cent.


"When I have caught forty fish," said he, "then I will tell people that I

have caught fifty, and so on.  But I will not lie any more than that,

because it is sinful to lie."


But the twenty-five per cent. plan did not work well at all.  He never

was able to use it.  The greatest number of fish he ever caught in one

day was three, and you can't add twenty-five per cent. to three - at

least, not in fish.


So he increased his percentage to thirty-three-and-a-third; but that,

again, was awkward, when he had only caught one or two; so, to simplify

matters, he made up his mind to just double the quantity.


He stuck to this arrangement for a couple of months, and then he grew

dissatisfied with it.  Nobody believed him when he told them that he only

doubled, and he, therefore, gained no credit that way whatever, while his

moderation put him at a disadvantage among the other anglers.  When he

had really caught three small fish, and said he had caught six, it used

to make him quite jealous to hear a man, whom he knew for a fact had only

caught one, going about telling people he had landed two dozen.


So, eventually, he made one final arrangement with himself, which he has

religiously held to ever since, and that was to count each fish that he

caught as ten, and to assume ten to begin with.  For example, if he did

not catch any fish at all, then he said he had caught ten fish - you

could never catch less than ten fish by his system; that was the

foundation of it.  Then, if by any chance he really did catch one fish,

he called it twenty, while two fish would count thirty, three forty, and

so on.


It is a simple and easily worked plan, and there has been some talk

lately of its being made use of by the angling fraternity in general. 

Indeed, the Committee of the Thames Angler's Association did recommend

its adoption about two years ago, but some of the older members opposed

it.  They said they would consider the idea if the number were doubled,

and each fish counted as twenty.


If ever you have an evening to spare, up the river, I should advise you

to drop into one of the little village inns, and take a seat in the tap-

room.  You will be nearly sure to meet one or two old rod-men, sipping

their toddy there, and they will tell you enough fishy stories, in half

an hour, to give you indigestion for a month.


George and I - I don't know what had become of Harris; he had gone out

and had a shave, early in the afternoon, and had then come back and spent

full forty minutes in pipeclaying his shoes, we had not seen him since -

George and I, therefore, and the dog, left to ourselves, went for a walk

to Wallingford on the second evening, and, coming home, we called in at a

little river-side inn, for a rest, and other things.


We went into the parlour and sat down.  There was an old fellow there,

smoking a long clay pipe, and we naturally began chatting.


He told us that it had been a fine day to-day, and we told him that it

had been a fine day yesterday, and then we all told each other that we

thought it would be a fine day to-morrow; and George said the crops

seemed to be coming up nicely.


After that it came out, somehow or other, that we were strangers in the

neighbourhood, and that we were going away the next morning.


Then a pause ensued in the conversation, during which our eyes wandered

round the room.  They finally rested upon a dusty old glass-case, fixed

very high up above the chimney-piece, and containing a trout.  It rather

fascinated me, that trout; it was such a monstrous fish.  In fact, at

first glance, I thought it was a cod.


"Ah!" said the old gentleman, following the direction of my gaze, "fine

fellow that, ain't he?"


"Quite uncommon," I murmured; and George asked the old man how much he

thought it weighed.


"Eighteen pounds six ounces," said our friend, rising and taking down his

coat.  "Yes," he continued, "it wur sixteen year ago, come the third o'

next month, that I landed him.  I caught him just below the bridge with a

minnow.  They told me he wur in the river, and I said I'd have him, and

so I did.  You don't see many fish that size about here now, I'm

thinking.  Good-night, gentlemen, good-night."


And out he went, and left us alone.


We could not take our eyes off the fish after that.  It really was a

remarkably fine fish.  We were still looking at it, when the local

carrier, who had just stopped at the inn, came to the door of the room

with a pot of beer in his hand, and he also looked at the fish.


"Good-sized trout, that," said George, turning round to him.


"Ah! you may well say that, sir," replied the man; and then, after a pull

at his beer, he added, "Maybe you wasn't here, sir, when that fish was



"No," we told him.  We were strangers in the neighbourhood.


"Ah!" said the carrier, "then, of course, how should you?  It was nearly

five years ago that I caught that trout."


"Oh! was it you who caught it, then?" said I.


"Yes, sir," replied the genial old fellow.  "I caught him just below the

lock - leastways, what was the lock then - one Friday afternoon; and the

remarkable thing about it is that I caught him with a fly.  I'd gone out

pike fishing, bless you, never thinking of a trout, and when I saw that

whopper on the end of my line, blest if it didn't quite take me aback. 

Well, you see, he weighed twenty-six pound.  Good-night, gentlemen, good-



Five minutes afterwards, a third man came in, and described how he had

caught it early one morning, with bleak; and then he left, and a stolid,

solemn-looking, middle-aged individual came in, and sat down over by the



None of us spoke for a while; but, at length, George turned to the new

comer, and said:


"I beg your pardon, I hope you will forgive the liberty that we - perfect

strangers in the neighbourhood - are taking, but my friend here and

myself would be so much obliged if you would tell us how you caught that

trout up there."


"Why, who told you I caught that trout!" was the surprised query.


We said that nobody had told us so, but somehow or other we felt

instinctively that it was he who had done it.


"Well, it's a most remarkable thing - most remarkable," answered the

stolid stranger, laughing; "because, as a matter of fact, you are quite

right.  I did catch it.  But fancy your guessing it like that.  Dear me,

it's really a most remarkable thing."


And then he went on, and told us how it had taken him half an hour to

land it, and how it had broken his rod.  He said he had weighed it

carefully when he reached home, and it had turned the scale at thirty-

four pounds.


He went in his turn, and when he was gone, the landlord came in to us. 

We told him the various histories we had heard about his trout, and he

was immensely amused, and we all laughed very heartily.


"Fancy Jim Bates and Joe Muggles and Mr. Jones and old Billy Maunders all

telling you that they had caught it.  Ha! ha! ha!  Well, that is good,"

said the honest old fellow, laughing heartily.  "Yes, they are the sort

to give it ME, to put up in MY parlour, if THEY had caught it, they are! 

Ha! ha! ha!"


And then he told us the real history of the fish.  It seemed that he had

caught it himself, years ago, when he was quite a lad; not by any art or

skill, but by that unaccountable luck that appears to always wait upon a

boy when he plays the wag from school, and goes out fishing on a sunny

afternoon, with a bit of string tied on to the end of a tree.


He said that bringing home that trout had saved him from a whacking, and

that even his school-master had said it was worth the rule-of-three and

practice put together.


He was called out of the room at this point, and George and I again

turned our gaze upon the fish.


It really was a most astonishing trout.  The more we looked at it, the

more we marvelled at it.


It excited George so much that he climbed up on the back of a chair to

get a better view of it.


And then the chair slipped, and George clutched wildly at the trout-case

to save himself, and down it came with a crash, George and the chair on

top of it.


"You haven't injured the fish, have you?" I cried in alarm, rushing up.


"I hope not," said George, rising cautiously and looking about.


But he had.  That trout lay shattered into a thousand fragments - I say a

thousand, but they may have only been nine hundred.  I did not count



We thought it strange and unaccountable that a stuffed trout should break

up into little pieces like that.


And so it would have been strange and unaccountable, if it had been a

stuffed trout, but it was not.


That trout was plaster-of-Paris.


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