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WE came in sight of Reading about eleven.  The river is dirty and dismal

here.  One does not linger in the neighbourhood of Reading.  The town

itself is a famous old place, dating from the dim days of King Ethelred,

when the Danes anchored their warships in the Kennet, and started from

Reading to ravage all the land of Wessex; and here Ethelred and his

brother Alfred fought and defeated them, Ethelred doing the praying and

Alfred the fighting.


In later years, Reading seems to have been regarded as a handy place to

run down to, when matters were becoming unpleasant in London.  Parliament

generally rushed off to Reading whenever there was a plague on at

Westminster; and, in 1625, the Law followed suit, and all the courts were

held at Reading.  It must have been worth while having a mere ordinary

plague now and then in London to get rid of both the lawyers and the



During the Parliamentary struggle, Reading was besieged by the Earl of

Essex, and, a quarter of a century later, the Prince of Orange routed

King James's troops there.


Henry I. lies buried at Reading, in the Benedictine abbey founded by him

there, the ruins of which may still be seen; and, in this same abbey,

great John of Gaunt was married to the Lady Blanche.


At Reading lock we came up with a steam launch, belonging to some friends

of mine, and they towed us up to within about a mile of Streatley.  It is

very delightful being towed up by a launch.  I prefer it myself to

rowing.  The run would have been more delightful still, if it had not

been for a lot of wretched small boats that were continually getting in

the way of our launch, and, to avoid running down which, we had to be

continually easing and stopping.  It is really most annoying, the manner

in which these rowing boats get in the way of one's launch up the river;

something ought to done to stop it.


And they are so confoundedly impertinent, too, over it.  You can whistle

till you nearly burst your boiler before they will trouble themselves to

hurry.  I would have one or two of them run down now and then, if I had

my way, just to teach them all a lesson.


The river becomes very lovely from a little above Reading.  The railway

rather spoils it near Tilehurst, but from Mapledurham up to Streatley it

is glorious.  A little above Mapledurham lock you pass Hardwick House,

where Charles I. played bowls.  The neighbourhood of Pangbourne, where

the quaint little Swan Inn stands, must be as familiar to the HABITUES of

the Art Exhibitions as it is to its own inhabitants.


My friends' launch cast us loose just below the grotto, and then Harris

wanted to make out that it was my turn to pull.  This seemed to me most

unreasonable.  It had been arranged in the morning that I should bring

the boat up to three miles above Reading.  Well, here we were, ten miles

above Reading!  Surely it was now their turn again.


I could not get either George or Harris to see the matter in its proper

light, however; so, to save argument, I took the sculls.  I had not been

pulling for more than a minute or so, when George noticed something black

floating on the water, and we drew up to it.  George leant over, as we

neared it, and laid hold of it.  And then he drew back with a cry, and a

blanched face.


It was the dead body of a woman.  It lay very lightly on the water, and

the face was sweet and calm.  It was not a beautiful face; it was too

prematurely aged-looking, too thin and drawn, to be that; but it was a

gentle, lovable face, in spite of its stamp of pinch and poverty, and

upon it was that look of restful peace that comes to the faces of the

sick sometimes when at last the pain has left them.


Fortunately for us - we having no desire to be kept hanging about

coroners' courts - some men on the bank had seen the body too, and now

took charge of it from us.


We found out the woman's story afterwards.  Of course it was the old, old

vulgar tragedy.  She had loved and been deceived - or had deceived

herself.  Anyhow, she had sinned - some of us do now and then - and her

family and friends, naturally shocked and indignant, had closed their

doors against her.


Left to fight the world alone, with the millstone of her shame around her

neck, she had sunk ever lower and lower.  For a while she had kept both

herself and the child on the twelve shillings a week that twelve hours'

drudgery a day procured her, paying six shillings out of it for the

child, and keeping her own body and soul together on the remainder.


Six shillings a week does not keep body and soul together very unitedly. 

They want to get away from each other when there is only such a very

slight bond as that between them; and one day, I suppose, the pain and

the dull monotony of it all had stood before her eyes plainer than usual,

and the mocking spectre had frightened her.  She had made one last appeal

to friends, but, against the chill wall of their respectability, the

voice of the erring outcast fell unheeded; and then she had gone to see

her child - had held it in her arms and kissed it, in a weary, dull sort

of way, and without betraying any particular emotion of any kind, and had

left it, after putting into its hand a penny box of chocolate she had

bought it, and afterwards, with her last few shillings, had taken a

ticket and come down to Goring.


It seemed that the bitterest thoughts of her life must have centred about

the wooded reaches and the bright green meadows around Goring; but women

strangely hug the knife that stabs them, and, perhaps, amidst the gall,

there may have mingled also sunny memories of sweetest hours, spent upon

those shadowed deeps over which the great trees bend their branches down

so low.


She had wandered about the woods by the river's brink all day, and then,

when evening fell and the grey twilight spread its dusky robe upon the

waters, she stretched her arms out to the silent river that had known her

sorrow and her joy.  And the old river had taken her into its gentle

arms, and had laid her weary head upon its bosom, and had hushed away the



Thus had she sinned in all things - sinned in living and in dying.  God

help her! and all other sinners, if any more there be.


Goring on the left bank and Streatley on the right are both or either

charming places to stay at for a few days.  The reaches down to

Pangbourne woo one for a sunny sail or for a moonlight row, and the

country round about is full of beauty.  We had intended to push on to

Wallingford that day, but the sweet smiling face of the river here lured

us to linger for a while; and so we left our boat at the bridge, and went

up into Streatley, and lunched at the "Bull," much to Montmorency's



They say that the hills on each ride of the stream here once joined and

formed a barrier across what is now the Thames, and that then the river

ended there above Goring in one vast lake.  I am not in a position either

to contradict or affirm this statement.  I simply offer it.


It is an ancient place, Streatley, dating back, like most river-side

towns and villages, to British and Saxon times.  Goring is not nearly so

pretty a little spot to stop at as Streatley, if you have your choice;

but it is passing fair enough in its way, and is nearer the railway in

case you want to slip off without paying your hotel bill.


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